Nicotine And Mental Health

Nicotine And Mental Health

Nicotine has long since been thought of as one of the most addictive chemicals on the planet. When people usually think of addiction, it’s often in a negative light and especially so when concerning nicotine, a chemical that has long had destructive links with tobacco. With the emergence of vaping and products such as Nicohit e-liquid as a smoking cessation tool, many people have moved to heat not burn technology as a way to manage their stress and mental health without quitting nicotine entirely.

This is understandable, the destructive consequences of tobacco kills around 78,000 people in the UK a year whilst causing considerable damage to many parts of the body. But are e-liquid manufacturers in the UK any better when it comes to mental health? E-cigs may be a great way to lead a less unhealthy lifestyle, but does this physical benefit translate to the psychological? This blog will explore whether vaping is better for mental health than smoking and how you can take steps to lessen your anxiety whilst vaping.

Smoking And Stress

According to a report by the Truth Initiative which collates dozens of studies from the last few years, users of tobacco are twice as likely to be diagnosed with a mental health condition as non-smokers. Whilst this might be down to the inclinations of people who smoke in the first place, smoking and its side effects can greatly increase mental health problems. Smokers find it harder to exercise due to diminished lung health, can be more prone to respiratory diseases and are prone to nicotine cravings which can cause anxiety.

Vaping And Stress

It’s worth noting that whilst current smokers are better off both physically and psychologically when they move to tobacco, they are still at risk of mental health problems from vaping. This is especially so with young people. It’s been proven that nicotine can seriously hinder the development of adolescent brains.

Nicotine’s Role As A Stress Exacerbator

Whilst vaping is often thought of as a better alternative to smoking, nicotine still plays a key role in increasing stress. According to a study in the National Library of Medicine by one A.C Parrott, nicotine’s role as a stress reliever is actually a mistaken effect of the chemical. Nicotine works as an addictive chemical by releasing dopamine into the brain, the pleasure chemical. The more of this that your body gets used to, the more it expects it to be delivered. The longer you abstain from nicotine, the more intense the cravings for it become.

This means that the relief a nicotine addict feels after intense cravings are satiated by tobacco or vapour, is actually taken out of context by the misnomer of nicotine as a stress reliever. What you’re really feeling is simply the reversal of the intense stress and irritability. You would not feel this intense stress or irritability if you were not addicted to nicotine in the first place. In short, to feel “balanced” like a non-nicotine user, addicts need nicotine.

How To Improve Your Mental Health As An E-Cig User

So when it comes down to it, evidence suggests that vaping is better than smoking for mental health, but the role of nicotine is still damaging and can increase risks of depression and anxiety. Those who are not yet addicted to nicotine, should avoid becoming so. Those who already smoke, can improve their quality of life by using smoking cessation tools with an eye to giving up nicotine altogether.